
The 15th Congresso da Água will be held ONLINE on 22th to 26th March 2021 and is dedicated to the theme "For a water policy in Portugal - the contribution of APRH".

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are far from being met in an equitable and international way, as humanitarian crises show that a scenario in which 'no-one is left behind' will not be easily achievable. The efforts made by States are commendable, and the results so far show that we can and must do more in order to bring us closer to achieving the agreed SDGs.

In Portugal, environmental policies still need strengthening to solve the water management problems. We need to contribute and create, collaboratively, a water policy backbone to be sustained in a long-term vision.

Policies for water should be strategically thought out and articulated with the other relevant policies of land use planning, health, agriculture, tourism and nature conservation. But this integration cannot lose the specific needs for water and the critical importance for the future of protection and sustainable use of a good that is irreplaceable.

The Congresso da Água 2021, organized around this key issue, seeks to make a positive contribution towards a better definition of water policy in Portugal by the Government, through an inclusive process focused on governance solutions that ensure equitable sharing of the benefits arising from different uses of water.

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Prémios e Homenagens

Prémio APRH biénio 2018/2019 - Será atribuído durante o Congresso o prémio para as melhores teses de doutoramento e mestrado.

Prémio Região - Este Prémio pretende homenagear um ou dois associados ou personalidades da Região que tenha contribuído de forma relevante para a discussão e/ou solução de problemas e temática dos recursos hídricos, na região abrangida por cada Núcleo Regional.

Homenagens – Será prestada uma homenagem em cada um dos 3 dias às seguintes personalidades que se destacaram em áreas multidisciplinares ligadas à água e ao desenvolvimento sustentável:

  • Professor Manuel Costa Lobo
  • Professor João Corte Real
  • Professor Mário Ruivo

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