Hydraulic Structures into the 21st Century: a Critical Role in our Society  
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Program at a glance

Technical Tour
Opening Ceremony
How to write a good paper?
Closing Ceremony
Welcome Cocktail
Symposium Dinner

Technical Program

Keynote Speakers

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José Rocha Afonso
Institute of Water (INAG)

Dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures in Portugal. Some recent projects

José Rocha Afonso
José Rocha Afonso received a degree in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, in 1976. He worked in the fields of dam safety and hydraulic projects, in the Ministries of Public Works and of Environment. Since 1993, in the latter ministry he headed departments dealing with projects and works in rivers and coastal areas, dam safety and infrastructure management, at the Institute of Water (INAG), the National Water Authority. In 2005 he became Vice-President of INAG, with a scope of intervention broadened namely to water resources planning and management and Water Directives, both at national and European Union levels. He participates in several professional and international associations, including the Portuguese Water Resources Association and the Portuguese Water Partnership. He currently is the Secretary General of the Portuguese National Committee on Large Dams.

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Dave Campbell
Schnabel Engineering, USA

Spillway hydraulic modelling – Personal adventures and peeks behind the curtain

Dave Campbell
Dave Campbell is Schnabel Engineering’s Director of Dam Engineering. He has more than 35 years of experience in dam engineering and water resources planning, including in-depth capabilities for water supply planning, designs for new and existing dams, hydrologic analysis and hydraulic design.  Dave founded dam engineering services at Schnabel Engineering in 1994. Schnabel’s Dam engineering services has grown to include 75 dam engineering personnel, who are regularly supplemented by the firm’s geotechnical, geostructural and geologic engineering expertise.

Dave has broadly published on dams and contributed to an AWWA-sponsored water resources planning book, Water Resources Planning – M50 (2001, 2007 and 2013 in progress).  He led development and presentation of a FEMA sponsored one week course on dam safety. Additionally, Mr. Campbell has been honored with the ASDSO National Award of Merit and Villanova University’s John Gallen Memorial Award for his contributions to dam safety.


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Laurent David
Institut Pprime, CNRS- Université de Poitiers – ENSMA, France

Fishway hydrodynamics and global approaches for insuring the upstream migration around dams

Laurent David
Laurent David is Professor of fluid mechanics at the University of Poitiers since 2006. His PhD degree and his accreditation diploma to supervise research (HDR) were obtained respectively in 1996 and in 2005. Since 2010, he is at the head of the Hydrodynamics and Environmental flow section composed to 14 permanent researchers and involved in environmental hydrodynamics, open channel flows, solid transport and mixing, and flow rheology.

The research interests cover fundamental aspects of unsteady flows with moving structures, turbulent free-surface flows, environmental flows and mixing through different national and European programs. Fundamental contributions to optical flow measurements include PIV and stereoscopy PIV measurement techniques and recently free surface measurement and volumetric measurement techniques.

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Fabian Bombardelli
University of California, Davis, USA

Computational multi-phase fluid dynamics to address flows past hydraulic structures

Fabian Bombardelli
Fabian Bombardelli holds a degree in Hydraulic Engineering from the University of La Plata, a Master degree in "Numerical simulation and control" from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. Since 2004, Bombardelli has been Professor (currently Associate with tenure) at the University of California, Davis. His research program focuses on the development of novel theoretical and numerical models and techniques to address multi-phase, environmental problems. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Physical Review Letters, Physics of Fluids, Int. Journal of Multiphase Flow, Geophysical Research Letters, J. of Geophysical Research, Water Resources Research, etc. Bombardelli received paper awards from the ASCE and the ASME and he received the Best Reviewer Award from IAHR. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Fluid Mechanics; he serves as member of the Hydraulic Structures Committee of IAHR and as Vice-Chair of the Sub-committee for Model Verification and Validation of ASCE.

KEYNOTE LECTURE 1 (Feb. 9, 09:45-10:30)                    

Dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures in Portugal. Some recent projects , by José Rocha Afonso

TECHNICAL SESSION 1 (Feb. 9, 11:00-12:45) - Flow Conveyance Structures

Paper No Title Authors
4 A case study of interactions between flood flow and buildings in an urban environment: Gardens Point during the 12-13 January 2011 flood of the Brisbane river (Australia) H. Chanson and R. Brow >
47 Bank protection at the outer side of curved channels by an undulated macrorough concrete wall A. Vela Giró and A. J. Schleiss
25 Numerical study of the flow behavior in a gully R. F. Carvalho , J. Leandro, R. Martins and P. Lopes
41 Hydraulic and numerical modelling of an asymmetric orifice within a surge tank W. Richter, W. Dobler and H. Knoblauch
39 Stability analysis and design of simple and restricted orifice surge tanks R. Autrique
44 Hydroelectric plant discharge emergency system: technical issues and experimental results F. M. Renna , A. Guerini, P. Zenocchini, U. Fratino and A. Bezzi
37 Two surge tanks hydropower schemes. Design criteria and case studies P. Neves Pinto and V. Ribeiro

KEYNOTE LECTURE 2 (Feb. 9, 14:00-14:45)                     

Fishway hydrodynamics and global approaches for insuring the upstream migration around dams , by Laurent David

TECHNICAL SESSION 2 (Feb. 9, 14:45-16:00) - Environmental and Ecological Impacts

Paper No Title Authors
49 The TUM shaft power plant - Innovative ecological and economical small hydro power concept P. Rutschmann , A. Sepp, M. Cuchet, F. Geiger and J. Barbier
15 Proposed fish facilities at flood control weir installed in urban river Y. Yasuda
8 Temporal analysis of the scour process downstream of stepped gabion weirs S. Pagliara and M. Palermo
35 Dynamics of the head of gravity currents H. I. S. Nogueira , C. Adduce, E. Alves and M. J. Franca
30 Impacts of different breakwater configurations on the water quality; case study: Mandrah beach A. M. Hashish, M. A. Gad, M. K. ElKamash, M. S. Gad El-Rab and M. Nour El-Din

TECHNICAL SESSION 3 (Feb. 9, 16:30-18:00) - Energy Dissipation

Paper No Title Authors
11 Internal flow characteristics of free hydraulic jump in stilling basins R. A. Lopardo
3 Air entrainment and turbulence in hydraulic jumps: free-surface fluctuations and integral turbulent scales G. Zhang, H. Wang and H. Chanson
43 USBR type III stilling basin performance for steep stepped spillways D. B. Bung, Q. Sun, I. Meireles, T. Viseu and J. Matos
31 Characteristics of cross-bar block ramp flows M. Oertel and D.B. Bung
5 Mechanical energy losses along an inclined jump over a multistepped rise D. Dimitriou, J. Demetriou and E. Retsinis
26 Interdependence among pressures in the block cracks in stilling basins downstream of ski jumps L. F. Silva, M. G. Marques, A. V. Canellas, P. Manso and L. A. M. Endres

Special Session (Feb. 9, 18:30-19:00): How to write a good paper?, by Hubert Chanson

KEYNOTE LECTURE 3 (Feb. 10, 08:30-09:15)                     

Computational multi-phase fluid dynamics to address flows past hydraulic structures , by Fabian Bombardelli

TECHNICAL SESSION 4 (Feb. 10, 09:15-10:30) - Physical & Numerical Modeling

Paper No Title Authors
32 Numerical modeling of air-water interaction in bottom outlets. Application to Susqueda dam F. Salazar , R. Morán, E. Oñate, M. A. Toledo and F. J. Riquelme
33 Numerical simulation of the intake-outlet structures of a pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant M. Bermúdez , J. Puertas, L. Cea, A. Martín and J. Baztán
17 SPH method applied to hydraulic structures. Friction boundary condition D. López Gómez , R . Marivela Colmenarejo, M . de Blas Moncalvillo and J. J . Rebollo Cillán
21 Numerical simulation of free surface flow in a fish passage with cylindrical blocks P. Taheri , H. A. Kashkuli, P. Taheri and Vahid Seraj (Presenter P. Taheri)
18 The Taoussa project (Mali): An example of effective composite modeling S. Erpicum , B. J. Dewals, J.-M. Vuillot, P. Archambeau and M. Pirotton

TECHNICAL SESSION 5 (Feb. 10, 11:00-12:45) - Regulation Structures

Paper No Title Authors
45 New spillways of Paradela, Salamonde and Caniçada dams M. S. Oliveira and J. Dias da Silva
9 Velocity and air concentration in air-water flow: Application on a stepped spillway without sidewalls S. Estrella , M. Sánchez-Juny, J. Dolz, R. Ibañez, M. Domínguez, L. Balairon and D. López
7 Jet impact angle on chute downstream of aerator M. Pfister
48 Vorticity in hydraulic structures: Modelling and preventing S. Amaral, M. T. Viseu, J. S. Rocha, L. Couto, J. Dias da Silva
1 Sloped sluice gate within horizontal open channel E. Retsinis , D. Dimitriou, J. Demetriou
42 CFD analysis of effects of the gate seat location on non-hydrostatic pressure distribution on the radial gated ogee spillway P. Khodadadi , A. Safarzadeh, S. A. A Salehi
20 Numerical simulation of a new sand trap flushing system M. Daneshvari , C. Münch-Alligné and G. De Cesare

POSTER SESSION (Feb. 10, 14:00-14:30)                     

Coordinator: Pedro Manso

Paper No Title Authors
10 Physical modelling of self-aeration in a cavitating sudden pipe expansion flow H. Hajikandi, F. Othman and M. Heydari
23 Asymmetrical elliptical-circular weir F. França , P. Souza, J. Mendes, M. Gomazaco and P. Silva
24 Vortex prevention in intakes using vertical walls (case study of Siahbisheh pumped storage power plant) A. Tahershamsi, H. Rahimzadeh and M. Monshizadeh
28 3D numerical simulation of flow pattern over a baffle chute spillway (real case study)  M. Maghrebi and S. A. A. S. Neyshabouri (Presenter to be defined)
34 Numerical simulation of self aeration on a chute spillway N. Maroofi Fathpour , M.R. Jalili Ghazizadeh and J. Attari (Presenter to be defined)
36 Analysis of flow characteristics downstream of reverse Tainter gates M. Dalla Corte, R. C. Oliveski, M. G. Marques and E. B. C. Schettini
38 Experimental investigation of the Froude number effect on hydraulic jump in turbidity currents

S. Haghighi and M.R. Kavianpour
40 Study of pressures on baffle blocks in stilling basin III K. Nasiri and M.R. Kavianpour

TECHNICAL SESSION 6 (Feb. 10, 14:30-16:00) - Regulation Structures

Paper No Title Authors
13 Evaluation of performance of a labyrinth spillway and chute G. Christodoulou and T. Papathanassiadis
22 Hydraulic performance of labyrinth weirs for high headwater ratios B. M. Crookston, G. S. Paxson and B. M. Savage
27 Comparison of in-channel type-A PK and labyrinth weirs B. Tullis and R. Anderson
16 Influence of weir height and keys slope on PKW discharge O. Machiels, S. Erpicum, P. Archambeau, B. Dewals and M. Pirotton
2 Velocity and pressure measurements on a broad-crested weir: physical measurements S. Felder and H. Chanson

KEYNOTE LECTURE 4 (Feb. 10, 16:30-17:15)                     

Spillway hydraulic modelling – Personal adventures and peeks behind the curtain , by Dave Campbell


PANEL DISCUSSION (Feb. 10, 17:15-18:30)

Chairman: Pedro Serra


International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research APRH - Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos