Volume 11, Issue 1 - March 2011
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Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada
Volume 11, Número 1, Março 2011, Páginas 85-96
DOI: 10.5894/rgci200
Submissão – 8 Março 2010; Avaliação – 1 Setembro 2010; Recepção da
versão revista – 7 Outubro 2010; Disponibilização on-line – 11
Fevereiro 2011
Invertebrados macrobentônicos detectados na costa brasileira transportados por resíduos flutuantes sólidos abiogênicos *
Macrobenthic invertebrates found in Brazilian coast transported on abiogenic solid floating debris
Cristiane Maria Rocha Farrapeira @, 1
@ - Autor correspondente: c.farrapeira@db.ufrpe.br
1 - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco- UFRPE, Deptº de Biologia,
R. Dom Manoel de Medeiros, s/nº, Dois Irmãos, Recife-PE, 52-171-900
A dispersão de animais bentônicos através de estruturas e organismos
flutuantes tem sido reportada em todos os oceanos. Buscando conhecer a
identidade dos invertebrados associados a resíduos flutuantes na costa
brasileira, foi efetuado um levantamento bibliográfico compilando as
informações sobre o hábito, distribuição e substratos abiogênicos que
servem de suporte para a dispersão das espécies. Foram registradas 122
espécies transportadas em resíduos cuja natureza/origem não foi
informada (a maioria), plásticos, materiais de nylon, metal e vidros.
Bryozoa, Crustacea, Cnidaria e Mollusca foram os grupos mais
freqüentes, sendo a maioria das espécies cosmopolita, exótica (50,8%) e
de origem criptogênica (44,3%). As comunidades viajantes são
constituídas principalmente por animais sésseis, ainda que também
tenham sido registradas sedentárias e vágeis, habitantes da região
entre-marés ou que vivem preferencialmente no infralitoral raso.
Palavras-chave: Rafting, transporte passivo, resíduos marinhos, invertebrados bentônicos.
The dispersion of benthic animals through natural substrata (pumice,
seaweed floats elements, leaves, seeds and stems of higher plants and
parts of organisms- usually parts of the skeleton and shells) and
anthropogenic solid waste (glass bottles, paperboard and wood products,
fishing tools and oil derivatives, like tar and plastic materials) has
been reported in all oceans. In order to know the identity of this
community of travelers’ invertebrates on abiogenic debris occurring in
Brazilian littoral, it was made a literature review of the species
listed as having an association with these vectors in the country and
elsewhere. Informations on habit, geographical distribution and
substrata were done It was compiled 122 species transported mainly by
plastic substrates, as well materials composed by nylon, metal and
glass; most of the mentioned substrata was unidentified debris. The
four groups numerically more frequent were: Bryozoa, Crustacea,
Cnidaria, and Mollusca. The community comprised an unrepresentative
native fauna (4.9%) and mostly cosmopolitan species of cryptogenic
origin (44.3%) and nonindigenous (50.8%), in this case, originated
principally from the Atlantic Ocean (western and eastern). The traveler
community consists primarily of sessile animals, although there were
observations of sedentary and vagile species, all of them inhabitants
of the intertidal or preferably living in the shallow sublittoral.
Although a large number of species also uses other vectors of
dispersal, it can infer that the passive transport of invertebrates on
anthropogenic debris carried by the currents creates additional
opportunities for dispersal. Some species were found in debris washed
away by coastal currents along the Brazilian coast or in major ocean
currents (the South Equatorial Current and South of Brazil) could be
attributed to this vector as responsible for their introduction on the
coast. These are the cases of the polychaetes Amphinome rostrata,
Hermodice carunculata and Hipponoa gaudichaudi agulhana and the urchin
Arbacia lixula, described and observed in debris on both sides of the
Atlantic Ocean, and may have used the South Equatorial Current to its
dispersion. It was also that occurred with some cryptogenic species
such as the pseudo-planktonic goose barnacles, as well the
nonindigenous compound tunicate Symplegma rubra, usually found on
floating debris. Other species feasible to use this vector preferably
in the ocean voyages are those commonly cited in the floating masses of
Sargassum, as several hydroids and bryozoans found in the Gulf Stream
and, more particularly, the bryozoans Aetea sica and Conopeum
reticulum, mentioned in floating Sargassum in the Brazil Current; they
may have used this or any other anthropogenic vector to colonize the
Brazilian coast. At last other group candidate to travel better in this
pathway than other are the bryozoans Aeverrillia armata, Bugula
dentata, B. flabellata, B. neritina and Chlidonia pyriformis, whose
weakness in the articulation of zooids, generates the assumption that
the colonies would not stand the speed of vessels in the trans-oceanic
Keywords: Rafting, passive transportation, marine debris, benthic invertebrates.
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