


Volume 13, Issue 2 - June 2013


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Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada
Volume 13, Número 2, Junho 2013, Páginas 205-214

DOI: 10.5894/rgci345
* Submission: July 27, 2012; Evaluation: August 31, 2012; Reception of revised manuscript: May 22, 2013; Accepted: June 25, 2013; Available on-line: June 28, 2013

Avaliação da capacidade de carga turística para gestão de praias em Moçambique: o caso da Praia do Tofo *

Tourism carrying capacity assessment for beach management in Mozambique: the case of Praia do Tofo

Daniel Augusta Zacarias 1

1 - Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo de Inhambane.
E-mail: Zacarias

Os recursos costeiros constituem componente principal para o desenvolvimento de atividades recreativas. Entretanto, com o incremento destas atividades, as praias se vão transformando em espaços de congestão humana que resulta na degradação dos ecossistemas locais e da capacidade de absorção dos impactos da comunidade circunvizinha, exigindo, deste modo, a introdução de práticas de gestão mais apropriadas e direcionadas à gestão dos recursos. Considerando que a gestão de visitantes em espaços costeiros deve ser rigorosamente planeada para se alcançarem os objetivos de conservação e gestão dos recursos e ao mesmo assegurar que os turistas alcançam uma experiência positiva e satisfazem as suas expectativas em relação ao destino turístico, a determinação do número apropriado de pessoas que cada praia pode suportar é considerada uma tarefa primordial. Neste sentido, este artigo apresenta os resultados de avaliação da capacidade de carga turística da Praia do Tofo (aplicada para dois cenários) através da aplicação do Modelo de Avaliação da Capacidade de Carga idealizado por Cifuentes (1992), fundamentado em trabalho de campo, contagem de turistas e questionários, os resultados sugerindo que a praia do Tofo tem capacidade para acolher entre 896 e 447 turistas por dia sem deturpar as condições naturais e ecológicas prevalecentes.

Palavras-chave: turismo, capacidade de carga, gestão de praias, Praia do Tofo

Coastal zones are important areas for recreational activities and are determinants of extensive tourist flows all over the World. Unfortunately these flows are a source of negative impacts in recreational settings resulting in beach overcrowding, beach erosion and degradation of coastal ecosystems. As such, beaches are being transformed into places of human congestion that results in degradation of local ecosystems and reduction of the capacity of the surrounding communities to absorb the impacts of tourism, thus requiring the introduction of more appropriate management practices directed to resources management. As coastal ecosystems have considerable impact on well-being, their sustainable management is also important. As such, ensuring human and ecosystem well-being in beaches is an important matter, especially considering that the amount of people living or using the coast is increasing year after year. With a heavy presence of humans in coastal recreational settings, the complexity of these habitats is affected and the management of visitors needs to be carefully planned in order to achieve the objectives of conservation and resource management and to ensure that tourists reach a positive experience and meet their expectations about the destination. Considering the sensitivity of coastal recreational settings, determining the appropriate number of people which can be supported at each individual beach is considered a primary task. This paper is an attempt to respond to this issue by presenting the results of a tourism carrying capacity study developed at Praia do Tofo (southern Mozambique) by means of applying a combination of the Framework for Carrying Capacity Assessment as the guiding tool and several indicators for each category of carrying capacity (physical, real and effective carrying capacity). The field work was conducted at Praia do Tofo Beach in southern Mozambique from August 08th to September 15th 2010, involving measurement of the available area for leisure, tourists counts, direct interviews to tourists and evaluation of the infrastructural quality that support recreational activities. Based on two scenarios of beach utilization for tourists/ recreationists (5m2 and 10m2 per user), results indicate that the physical carrying capacity (considering as indicators the amount of land in m2 available for leisure, beach utilization and the rotation factor) limits the number of tourists/ recreationists to 57298 and 28649 visits/day (scenario 1 and 2 respectively) and the real carrying capacity (based on the real carrying capacity and correction factors – rainy and windy days, period of the year without sunshine and visual water quality) restrained beach utilization to 1,414 and 706 tourists/recreationists per day. Considering these parameters and the indicators of the management capacity (beach sanitation, parking facilities, beach accessibility, lifesaving facilities and the presence of domestic animals at the beach), the effective carrying capacity indicates that this beach can support a range of 896 and 447 tourists/recreationists a day (scenario 1 and 2 respectively) without distorting the prevailing natural and ecological conditions.

Keywords: tourism, carrying capacity, beach management, Tofo beach


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