Volume 13, Issue 4 - December 2013
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Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada
Volume 13, Número 4, Dezembro 2013, Páginas 499-512
DOI: 10.5894/rgci425
* Submission: 27 June 2013; Evaluation: 31 July 2013; Reception of
revised manuscript: 5 November 2013; Accepted: 11 December 2013;
Available on-line: 13 December 2013
Gestão costeira no município de Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: Um diagnóstico *
Coastal management in the city of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil: Diagnosis
Sereno DuPrey Diederichsen @, 1, Manoela Karam Gemael 1, Arthur de Oliveira Hernandez 1, Allan de Oliveira de Oliveira 1, Marie-Laurence Paquette 1, Andreoara Deschamps Schmidt 1, Paula Gomes da Silva 1, Marcelo Santos da Silva 1, Marinez Eymael Garcia Scherer 1
@ - Corresponding author <sereno162@gmail.com>
1 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós Graduação
em Geografia, Campus Universitário Trindade, Caixa Postal 476, CEP
88.040 – 970. Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. e-mails: Diederichsen <sereno162@gmail.com>; Manoela <manoelagk@gmail.com>; Hernandez <ohz.arthur@gmail.com>; De Oliveira <allandeoliveira2@yahoo.com.br>; Paquette <marielaurence_p@hotmail.com>; Schmidt <andyoceano@gmail.com>; Silva <silvapgomes@gmail.com>; Silva <natal.boavista@gmail.com>; Scherer <marinezscherer@gmail.com >
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o estágio de
desenvolvimento do gerenciamento costeiro da cidade de Florianópolis,
tomando como base indicadores de gestão e governança costeira. Para
tanto, foi utilizada a metodologia do Decálogo, na qual dez itens
considerados fundamentais para o gerenciamento costeiro integrado são
avaliados: 1. política, 2. normativa, 3. competências, 4. instituições,
5. instrumentos e estratégias, 6. formação e capacitação, 7. recursos,
8.conhecimento e informação, 9. educação para a cidadania e 10.
participação. Após o levantamento das informações, foi produzida uma
matriz, atribuindo-se notas para cada item de acordo com a existência,
a implementação e o monitoramento dos itens analisados. Ao analisar a
matriz, foi possível indicar como pontos fortes do gerenciamento
costeiro no município de Florianópolis a existência de instrumentos, a
geração de conhecimento e algumas iniciativas de educação ambiental. Em
contraponto, o município deixa a desejar nas questões de
disponibilidade de recursos financeiros, na formação de gestores
capacitados e na inexistência de políticas municipais claras para a
gestão costeira. Verificou-se, também, que os demais itens apresentaram
notas intermediárias a baixas, tendo como principal motivo o fato de
que os instrumentos de gestão definidos até o momento não foram
devidamente implementados. Por fim, a análise realizada permitiu
inferir que o município de Florianópolis encontra-se ainda nas
primeiras etapas do ciclo do gerenciamento costeiro integrado, no
entanto já foram dados os primeiros passos, com a implementação e o
monitoramento dos itens analisados.
Palavras-chave: Governança Costeira, Indicadores de Gestão, Decálogo de Gestão, Ilha de Santa Catarina.
The objective of the present study is to evaluate the development stage
of Coastal Management in the Municipality of Florianópolis using
management indicators of coastal Governance. Brazil established
strategies for coastal management only at the end of the 1980s, having
formulated the National Coastal Management Act in 1988. After the
second version, made in 1997, a number of management tools were
formulated. With this proposal states and municipalities must adapt
instruments to establish their spheres of activity. The Municipality of
Florianópolis is located in the central coast of the state of Santa
Catarina. Because of its dimension and proximity to the sea, the entire
municipality is situated in the coastal zone. With a total of 671.58
square kilometers (417.30 square miles) the city has a small
continental area, with much of its territory in portion insular. The
island’s scenic beauty is related to the diversity of coastal
ecosystems, with the presence of numerous sandy beaches, dunes,
marshes, lakes, cliffs, and lush hillside vegetation. The city is a
strong point of attraction with a large tourist population. The large
expanse of flat land and coastal plains facilitated development within
the island; this also promoted the expansion of the city. Occupation by
the immigrant population occurred during the eighteenth century, with
the formation of numerous settlements/population centers, which were
strongly sustained by fishing and the use of the land. In this sense,
land use appeared in a decentralized manner. Only in the mid-nineteenth
century did the city’s spatial organization change, with the growth of
coastal villages. During the 1980’s tourism emerged as a great economic
importance. The result was an intense transformation of the natural and
cultural landscape of the city. The occupation and anthropization of
coastal ecosystems, mischaracterization of traditional villages, and
marginalization of traditional populations appear as negative impacts
of this transformation. This panorama indicated a centralized
management model of decision making, contributing to an increase in
social conflicts and distrust of municipal public agencies. In terms of
procedure, the Decalogue methodology was used to perform this
evaluation, in which, ten items, considered fundamental for integrated
coastal management, were analyzed: 1) Policies; 2) Norms; 3)
Responsibility; 4) Institutions; 5) Tools and Strategies; 6) Capacity
building; 7) Financial resources; 8) Knowledge and Information; 9)
Education; 10) Participation. The survey data was collected through
documental research, literature and visiting sites, as well as
telephone contact and interviews with municipal agencies linked with
the city management. First, information was compiled to produce a
governance evaluation scoring each item according to the existence,
implementation, monitoring and assessment of the activities. The
analysis of the Decalogue was conducted descriptively. The main
considerations raised were: the lack of an explicit policy for coastal
management and the poor integration between the municipal management
agencies and those at the state level. The low number of management
tools and limited resources available can also be considered as coastal
issues. Although recognized as a principle of public policy, organized
citizen participation in the management process appeared greatly
limited. The disconnection between scientific knowledge, managers and
communities, as well as the limited education of citizens appear as a
result of this limited participation. The achievement of the city
planning director, the main instrument of municipality management in a
participatory manner, appeared as one of the predominant causes of
social conflict, due to the highly centralized and corporatist
political culture. After a positive initial process of participation,
there was a break in dialogue with the population. Currently there is a
continuation of the plan, through technical analysis of the guidelines
formulated by society, where there was a noted difference between the
proposals and models of the city, bringing to light the weak
participation culture by both government agencies and civil society,
with the participation of only a few institutions representing the
community. By analyzing the matrix, it was possible to identify the
strongest elements of Coastal management in the Municipality of
Florianópolis, which were, the existence of tools and the generation of
knowledge and some community education. However it also pointed out the
low availability of financial resources and limited formation of
capable coastal Managers and the lack of clear Municipal policies
pertaining to coastal Management. The other items received low to
intermediate scores, due to the absence of implementation of existing
management tools. An important analysis element of coastal management;
the monitoring and assessment of processes and management tools is
performed absent. Without the evaluation of the undertaken actions it
becomes more difficult to understand the points of weakness of the
management process, limiting the concept of continuous improvement and
adaptation; recognized as crucial point in the field of coastal
management. In conclusion, this analysis led to the inference that the
Municipality of Florianopolis is still in the first stages of the
process of integrated coastal management. Nevertheless, the initial
steps have been taken and the implementation and monitoring of the
items have been analyzed.
Keywords: Coastal Governance, Governance Analysis, Management Decalogue, Santa Catarina Island.
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