











Manuscript Submission

Submitted manuscripts must:

 a) Be original, i.e., not published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint);
 c) Not be under consideration for publication elsewhere;
 d) Do not configure situations of plagiarism (even auto-plagiarism);
 e) Be approved by all authors (respective e-mails must be sent to APRH in the submission cover letter/email).

These items must be formally expressed in the message of submission.

Original manuscripts should be submitted electronically in a document attached to an email formally sent to APRH and Director ( and indicating the corresponding author. All correspondence will be via email.
In the submission cover letter / message the above a) to e) items must be adequately expressed.
Text formats “DOC” or “DOCX” are preferred. Figures can be formatted as “TIFF”, “JPEG”, “GIF”, “PS” or “BMP”, with high quality to allow electronic (“PDF”) viewing with sufficient details.
There is no a priori limitation on the number of pages, the inclusion of high-resolution color figures (photos, maps, etc.) or tables in each manuscript, since the authors fit them in A4 pages. However, 20 pages with everything included (source: Times, file size: 12, row spacing: 14 pt) is considered an appropriate size.

The scientific/professional name of the authors must be used and their respective institutions and addresses referred as foot-notes. A corresponding author must be indicated and his/her email provided.

Manuscripts must be prepared preferentially in English (including an abstract in Portuguese) or in Portuguese (with an extended abstract in English). Title and key words must be bilingual.

English written manuscripts must include two abstracts (English and Portuguese) 2500 characters including spaces each maximum. Portuguese written manuscripts must also include two abstracts, one in Portuguese (maximum: 2500 characters including spaces each) and other in English (maximum: 5000 characters including spaces each).

keywords are mandatory, up to a maximum of 5.

All sections must be numbered using uppercase in the first sections (ex. 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. SECTION, etc.) and a maximum of two sub-sections, the first numbered as 1.1., 1.2., etc. (ex. 1.1. First sub), and the second, in italics, as 1.1.1. 1.1.2., etc. (ex. 1.1.1. Second sub).

Figures must be sent in separated, individual files named after its proper numbering in the text. Acceptable formats are TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PS, BMP. They must have high quality to allow electronic (“PDF”) viewing with sufficient details. Places along the manuscript where the figures must be inserted have to be clearly indicated in the text.

Small tables must be integrated in the text; larger tables must be sent in separated, individual, files named after its proper numbering in the text. Places along the manuscript where the tables must be inserted have to be clearly indicated in the text.

Figure and table captions:
Figure and table captions must be sent on a separated page at the end of the manuscript.

All equations must be numbered sequentially, with the numbers at right between parentheses (ex. (1), (2), etc.). The Word Equation Editor must be used.

Decimal numbers:
Decimal numbers must be written with a dot (ex. 3.14).

Units must follow the International System (SI). There should be a space between numerical values and their respective units (ex. 1.234 m2).

All citations in the text should refer to:

1.  Single author: the author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;
2.  Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication;
3.  Three or more authors: first author's name followed by "et al." and the year of publication.
4.  Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references should be listed first chronologically, then alphabetically.

Authors should avoid as much as possible the use of grey literature (thesis, dissertations, reports, white papers etc.). Likewise, footnotes must be avoided. References must be arranged as follow:

Journal papers with DOI: Chiew Y.-M. & Parker G. (1994). Incipient sediment motion on non-horizontal slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Research 32, 5, 649-660. IAHR, doi: 10.1080/00221689409498706.

Journal papers without DOI: Pinho J.L.S., Vieira J.M.P & Carmo J.S.A (2004). Hydroinformatic environment for coastal waters hydrodynamics and water quality modeling. Advances in Engineering Software 35, 205-222. Elsevier Science, ISSN 0965-9978.

Books: Carmo J.S.A. (2009). Modeling in Fluvial Hydraulics and Environment, 443 p., 2nd edition. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. ISBN 972-8704-28-3.

Book chapters: Carmo J.S.A. (2012). Turbulent boundary layer models: Theory and applications. In: Hyoung Woo Oh (Ed), Advanced Fluid Dynamics, pp. 205-238, InTech - Open Access Publisher. ISBN 978-953-51-0270-0. In:

Thesis: Abreu T.A. (2011). Coastal sediment dynamics under asymmetric waves and currents: Measurements and simulations. Tese de doutoramento, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 227 p. Not published.

Conference proceedings: Santos L.I.V., Carmo J.S.A. & Pinho J.L.S. (2012). Hydrodynamic effects resulting from the extension of north jetty of Figueira da Foz harbor. In: M.C. Freitas, J. Cascalho, R. Taborda, M. Ribeiro, T. Drago, C. Andrade, F. Fatela & A. Cruces (Eds) VII Symposium on the Atlantic Iberian Margin, 33-35, FCUL, Lisbon, 16-20 December. ISBN 978-989-20-3447-8.

Unpublished reports: Carmo J.S.A., Reis C.S. & Freitas H.M. (2010). Final report of the project “Recovery of the Leirosa dune system - 5th phase”, CELBI/SOPORCEL, Final Report_5th phase/2010, 58 p., Coimbra, Portugal. Not published.

Reports in web sites: Instituto de Meteorologia (s/d). Extremos Climatol�gicos. Instituto de Meteorologia, Lisboa, Portugal. In: (accessed in April 2008).