Small Hydro 2000
8 a 12 de maio de 2000
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Organização da APRH e APREN
May 10th – Lisboa /Viseu
Leave Lisboa at 6pm to Viseu, dinner at Mealhada “Meta dos Leitões” restaurant. Sleep at “Montebelo” Hotel in Viseu.
May 11th – Viseu/Guimarães
Breakfast at the Hotel. Technical Visits to small hydro projects: S. Pedro do Sul and V. Soeiros. Lunch in Castro Daire at “Músico” restaurant. In the afternoon visit two more small hydro projects: Ribadouro and Cefra. Dinner and sleep at Hotel Guimarães in Guimarães.
May 12th – Guimarães/Lisboa
After breakfast at the Hotel visit to the town of Guimarães, the Castle (the 1st in Portugal), the house of Bragança Dukes, built on XV century, the Collegiate church of “Nossa Senhora da Oliveira” built on X century. (This visit just will be made if we have enough time).
Lunch in Santarém at “O Vargas” restaurant.
Return to Lisbon about 5pm
The prices includes – Bus and guide; sleeps at Hotel Montebelo (Viseu) and Hotel Guimarães (Guimarães), dinner of 10th May, lunch and dinner of 11th May and lunch of 12th May.
Visits to the small hydro projects and the entrance to the monuments