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Climate Change,
Perceptions and Rationalities
Vanda Viegas, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro, João Alveirinho Dias, Fátima Alves
of shrimp farming: legal aspects, environmental impacts and mitigating
Luisa Ferreira Ribeiro, Manuel C. M. B. N. de Souza,
Francisco Barros, Vanessa Hatje
of environmental impacts and socio-economic aspects of aquaculture in
the region estuarine-lagoon of Cananea, São Paulo, Brazil
Edison Barbieri, Hélcio Luiz de Almeida Marquez, Marcos
Buhrer Campolim, Patrícia Ishisaki Salvarani
sedimentary processes and the distribution of organic matter in a
tropical estuarine system, Recife, PE, Brazil
Thaís de Santana Oliveira, Roberto Lima Barcellos,
Carlos Augusto França Schettini, Plínio Barbosa de Camargo
of the local population in the face of sustainability of coastal areas,
services: the case of Lagoon of Santo André, Portugal
Armando José Santinhos, Ana Paula Martinho, Sandra
Fishermen and urban real
estate pressure: What is the destiny of these traditional communities?
Ismael Xavier de Araújo, Roberto Sassi,
Eduardo Rodrigues Viana de Lima
waste in mangrove in the Potengi River (Natal, RN, Brazil): relation to
the location and uses
Pedro Henrique P. Belarmino, Sarah Mariana da Silva,
Marie-Christine Rufener, Maria Christina B. de Araújo
of anthropic action in the
environmental history of the Jaguaribe River, State of Ceará, Brazil
Ana Flávia Pantalena, Luis Parente Maia
awareness of coastal erosion of a beach on the Coast of Northeast
Brazil (Taíba Beach, CE)
Elana Carolina de Souza Medeiros, Ana Flávia Pantalena, Brígida Miola,
Renan Silva de Lima, Marcelo de Oliveira Soares
and distribution of the Crustacea Brachyura from the mangroves of
Ariquindá and Mamucabas Rivers, South Coast of Pernambuco, Brazil
Marina de Sá Leitão Câmara de Araújo,
Deusinete de Oliveira Tenório, Daniela da Silva Castiglioni
and controlled production of oysters: actions in Santa Catarina
(Brazil) towards international standards of merchantability
Bruno Jacomel, Lucila Maria de Souza Campos
Coastal dune
management: the use of geographic
information system (GIS) in the development of management plans in the
coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Luana Portz, Gabriela Camboim
Rockett, Ricardo Augusto Lengler Franchini, Rogério Portantiolo
Manzolli, Nelson Luiz Sambaqui Gruber