

Submission Guidelines

This is just a hint of cover letter

Dear Editors of Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management,

This letter accompanies the manuscript entitled, "Title of the manuscript" of the authors Author 1 name, Author 2 name, Author 3 name and Author 4 name.

Article Type: [Research Article or Review Article or Case study or Technical Note]
This work provides a [include a very short description of the manuscript].

All the authors have been involved with the work, namely conception and design of the project, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of data.

Authors role:

Author 1 name, e-mail, Institution, Address, Country - Role: [e.g., work conception, interpretation of data; taxonomic identification; manuscript writing]
Author 2 name, e-mail, Institution, Address, Country - Role: [e.g., design of the project, acquisition of data; topohydrographic work]
Author 3 name, e-mail, Institution, Address, Country - Role: [e.g., data acquisition; statistical analysis, oceanographic measurements]
Author 4 name, e-mail, Institution, Address, Country - Role: [e.g., data interpretation, manuscript writing]

The following author has been designated as the corresponding author: Author 2 name.

There are no reasons why the manuscript should not be assigned to specific individuals for review. I submit the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of [three to five] suitable referees who would provide objective rigorous review of the manuscript:

1.    Name of suggested reviewer 1, Institution, Country. E-mail address: xxxxx@xxx.xxxx.xx
2.    Name of suggested reviewer 2, Institution, Country. E-mail address: xxxxx@xxx.xxxx.xx
3.    Name of suggested reviewer 3, Institution, Country. E-mail address: xxxxx@xxx.xxxx.xx
4.    Name of suggested reviewer 4, Institution, Country. E-mail address: xxxxx@xxx.xxxx.xx
Hereby I state that this article or parts thereof have not been previously published and is not and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while it is in review for the Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

I also state that this article is original and do not configure situations of plagiarism (even auto-plagiarism). The work is not an infringement of any existing copyright.

I have read and agree with the "Publication ethics and malpractice statement" ( in what concerns the authors of articles.

Thank you very much in advance.

Sincerely yours

Name and signature of the corresponding author

Article types

Preparing a manuscript for submission


Citations and references