Preparing a manuscript for submission
Rules for submissions starting from
the 21st of May 2020
Submission Mandatory Guidelines
The following mandatory rules must be applied for any manuscript submission at the Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management / Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada submission:
- Articles should not exceed 7 000 words, excluding the abstract, references, author's names and affiliation, tables and figures. In case of Literature review articles, 12 000 words can be used instead of 7 000.
- Titles should be no more than 200 characters only in the article language.
- Text should start with a brief introduction describing the paper's significance and a short state-of-art description, followed by the objectives of the work (that must be in complete coherence with the conclusions). Also, the novelty of the work presented must be clear at the introduction of the article.
- Abstract must be provided in English and Portuguese (maximum of 300 words)
- Tables should be embedded directly in the manuscript file. Each table should include a legend before that table. Table's captions should be made in the same language as the article.
- Figures should be embedded directly in the manuscript file. Each figure should include a legend in the line following that figure. Photos and graphics should be included as figures. Figure's captions should be made in the same language as the article. All tables and figures should be cited in the text in numerical order. All Figures, whose copyrights are not owned by the authors are at the responsibility of the authors themselves. Figures should have sufficient quality and resolution.
- Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used.
- Numerical digits and decimal places: notation for decimal places is ".", for example, 1345.4
- References should be arranged accordingly to the journal's style [see bellow]. Authors should avoid as much as possible the use of grey literature (thesis, dissertations, reports, white papers etc.). References at the text should be coloured in blue, for example, (Author, Year). All references must be cited in the text and vice-versa.
- Foreign terms and written abbreviatures must always be in italic, for example, e.g., et al., etc.
- Author's contribution to the article: Each author listed on the manuscript should have made a real and concrete contribution to the submission, and each person who contributed to the manuscript should be listed. The contributions of all authors must be described (as much as possible in a short phrase). Author lists should accurately reflect contributions to the work. The contributions to the article should be stated before the Acknowledgments section, in a section called Contributions.
Only the articles complying with these rules are considered for peer-review. Articles which are not according to the submission rules will be automatically rejected.