Submission Guidelines
Cover letter
The cover letter should include the following information:
- Title (no more than 200 characters)
- List of authors (with e-mail addresses) with affiliations that should include university, or organizational affiliation, department, address and country (do not include academic or professional qualifications)
- Type of the submitted manuscript (Research article / Review article / Case study / Technical note)
- Suggestion of three to five potential accredited and independent referees (whose names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses should be provided) suitable to proceed to this manuscript review. These researchers should not be from the same region and as far as possible, the major part of them should have a nationality other than the authors. In addition, authors should have not co-authored any paper with the suggested reviewers in the last 5 years.
- Statement declaring that the manuscript:
- is original,
- has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or a thesis),
- is not under consideration for publication elsewhere,
- do not configure situations of plagiarism (even auto-plagiarism),
- submission has been approved by all authors,
- the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright,
- you have read and agree with the "Publication ethics and malpractice statement" ( in what concerns the authors of articles.
- Hint of cover letter
Preparing a manuscript for submission