


Volume 24, Issue 1 - June 2024

ISSN 1646-8872

Revista integral
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Editorial Note
Comprehensive approaches to climate adaptation and coastal Management: Insights from the Brazilian Coast and a Southeast Asian Port
F. Taveira-Pinto, A. R. Carrasco, P. Rosa-Santos, A. M. Bento, T. Fazeres-Ferradosa


Assessment of climate adaptation documents in atlantic countries for the management of coastal and extreme climate risks
Luiggia Girardi Bastos Reis de Araujo, Cesar Augusto Marques da Silva

Seasonal variation of physical and chemical conditions in the Goiana and Megaó estuary, northeastern Brazil
Ivo Raposo Gonçalves Cidreira Neto, Betânia Cristina Guilherme, Gilberto Gonçalves Rodrigues, Ana Lúcia Bezerra Candeias

Exploring tidal constituent trends: unveiling the impact of the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle through harmonic analysis and long-term tide gauge records
André de Lima Coelho, Tiago Zenker Gireli, Kelly Kawai Venancio, Patrícia Dalsoglio Garcia

Port and coastal management against climate change: A case study of Tanjung Emas port Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Destianingrum Ratna Prabawardani, Aprijanto, Tjahjono Prijambodo, Ibnu Fauzi, Maria Nooza Airawati, Buddin Al Hakim, Danang Ariyanto, Muhammad Alfan Fajar Yulianto, Nofika Cahyani Putri, Catur Indra Sukmana, Eny Cholishoh, Cahyarsi Murti Aji, Eko Kustiyanto, Bakti Wibawa, Nurkhalis Rahili, Joko Sutopo

Geoenvironmental zoning of the municipality of Rio Grande, southeast Brazil
Giovane de Oliveira Bonilha, Simone Emiko Sato, Gracieli Trentin, Adriano Luís Heck Simon, Vanda de Claudino-Sales